This can be compared to a boiling hot bath into which no person could
descend, one scoundrel came, and he jumped and went down into
it. Although he was scalded, he cooled it off for others [Rashi Devarim 25:18]
Rabbi Judah says: "When the Israelites stood at the sea one said 'I don't want to go down to the sea first', another said 'I don't want to go down first either'; while they were standing there and while Moses was praying to G-d to save them, Nachson ben Aminadav jumped up went down and fell into the waves. [TB Sotah 36a, Mechilta Beshalach]
Rabbi Judah says: "When the Israelites stood at the sea one said 'I don't want to go down to the sea first', another said 'I don't want to go down first either'; while they were standing there and while Moses was praying to G-d to save them, Nachson ben Aminadav jumped up went down and fell into the waves. [TB Sotah 36a, Mechilta Beshalach]
An analog has been making the rounds of social media
recently comparing Iran to Haman, Obama to Achashverosh, and Bibi to
Esther/Mordechai, finding the Ta’anis Esther timing of today’s speech to
Congress particularly propitious.
Personally, I find Prof. Manfred Lehmann’s 1972 Tradition essay “A
Reconstruction of the Purim Story” more compelling: he makes Haman out to have
been Cannanite, and therefore more a character analogous to an Arafat or other Palestinian
actor [which, to carry the analogy one step further, would make Bill Clinton
In any case, I came up with a different meme.
The juxtaposition of the two mekoros up top is not
accidental. The two pieces are there to
illustrate mirror-image paradigms of “firsts” and water. Each actor was the first one to “take a
plunge”, as it were, and each respective “plunge” was influential in getting
others to follow: Nachshon kickstarted the march through the Yam Suf; Amalek
kickstarted genocidal Jew-hatred.
Today Bibi represented the Nachshon meme: the sole world
leader with the gumption to call Iran out for its theofascist genocidal
tendencies and declared nuclear ambitions.
[Umm…you want 190,000 centrifuges…to fight cancer?] He took a plunge no one else seems to be
willing to, and we only hope that some influential people follow.
While Iran fits the Amalek meme for all sorts of obvious reasons,
if one would hesitate to begin to apply it to elements of this current
administration, particularly the Executive branch and the State Department, it
might not be that far a stretch to say that the disingenuous manner in which
they’ve conducted the negotiations and their ostensible attempt to give
themselves political cover for what they see as the “inevitability” of a
nuclearized Iran might give one reason to believe that they, too, are “jumping
in the water”.
Heavy water.
To cool it off for everyone else when the inevitable
nuclearization of the rest of the Middle East follows.
In any case, even if the Amalek designation can’t really
be applied to this admin, the Achashverosh one—like with Clinton—might not be
that far off. As TB Megillah 13b-14a delineates,
Achashverosh would have loved to get rid of the Jews himself [having proven
with his “no more redemption” party what he really thought of them] but needed
someone else to do the dirty work.
The Biblical narratives point to two possible parallels
which might indicate as to what we can anticipate from this administration.
The incident at Refidim which we read on Purim which occurred
subsequent to krias yam suf parallels the possibility that this administration
will now double down and cave further to “Teheran’s
talking points”, because, like the Amalekites who attacked at Refidim, they
were enraged by the Nachshonian actions and wanted to show the rest of the latent
anti-Semites in the world there was nothing to be afraid of in attacking the
Jews. Bibi’s warning may have the
opposite effect in the short term owing to Obamanian hissyfits.
The other possibility is that, like a chastened and
humiliated while not attitudinally transformed Achashverosh, this
administration is forced to see the genocidal ambitions of its erstwhile new
BFF’s and at the very least give the Jews carte blanche to defend itself by any
means necessary with no clamoring for ceasefires like this summer, even to the
point of codifying the response de jure
as well as de facto in international
law, as we see happened throughout Esther 8 and 9. Even if through clenched teeth. But as Bibi said, there ARE some things
Israel CAN live with.
ONLY THEN will this admin have jumped in like Nachshon,
and not like Amalek.
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