Monday, July 1, 2024

Easy stock response to NK supporters of Hamas

NK Facebook comment:

"Abraham was not from the land of Israel"


Avraham was mizar'o shel Shem, and also learned in his Bes Medrash, as did his son and grandson]. The Canaanites were the original occupiers, having been bequeathed nothing but servitude from Noach but then somehow went and conquered the land from Shem [cf. Rashi, Gen,. 12:6]. The land was already ours before it was ours; Joshua just took it back. Additionally, any defense of the population currently occupying Gaza--especially after 10/7--make said defender not only an accessory after the fact to murder, rape and Judeocide, but also maskim in maa'aseh eretz Mitzrayim and ma'aseh Eretz C'naan.

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